Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Two Very Good Reasons to be Happy:

I can't believe it is finally here!  Today was the last day of classes!  Although I have greatly enjoyed our class discussions and learning new things, I am thrilled that the year is almost complete.  Only one more week to go!  Next Monday through Wednesday is finals week.  I'm tired just thinking about the seven essay outlines I have to write, nine lectures to memorize, two blue books and six tests due within a timeframe of 60 hours.  Besides that enormous black cloud, I am on cloud nine because I get to sleep in, wear jeans instead of business casual and no more classes.  (In case it hasn't come through, I'm overjoyed about the end of the semester.  :)

Another reason that I am excited is because I got published this week!  I got an article printed in one of our school's newspapers.  I wrote an article about the importance of farm subsidies.  The new edition came out yesterday.  You can only imagine my happiness!  I even had a friend tell me that the article convinced her of the significance of farm subsidies.  Yeah!

The finish line is so near.  I can taste victory.  :) 

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